Every parent wants to see their child become a successful and smart adult. But, in order for a kid to become a good person when they grow up, parents should give their best to provide a happy childhood for their kids. There is a reason why the emphasis on emotional health and intelligence has gained a lot of ground in recent years. Here ten tips to raise happy kids.
10 Tips To Raise Happy Kids
1. Start With Yourself
Taking care of another human being is a great responsibility and it is incredibly hard. You can’t make someone happy if you are feeling miserable. That is why parents need to take care of themselves first. Start by identifying physical and emotional triggers that can make you lose it. Keep in mind that, when it comes to kids, “healthy mind is in a healthy body” is the key phrase.
2. Be Consistent With Discipline
It may seem that rebelling against rules is what every kid likes. However, experts have proven that children are actually grateful if a certain structure and rules exist in their lives. Be consistent with house rules and disciplinary measures. By doing so, you will give your children the much-needed sense of stability and also help them make better decisions later in life.
3. Focus On The Effort
Focusing on the result instead on the effort is one of the greatest mistakes parents make. For example, imagine your child always getting a “C” on their math test, despite their effort. You should be happy with the fact that your child is still trying to get a better grade. The objective of a good education is not a good score on a test. It should help your child develop the ability to create a goal and stick to it, even when they are demotivated.
4. Communication Is A Priority
So many teenagers suffer from depression, and most of them blame the “communication gap” for it. In addition, a lot of teenagers report depression because “nobody gets them.” It is hard trying to connect with your child once he/she is a teenager. This channel should be established early on.
5. Always Be Optimistic
If children see their parents always keeping a positive attitude, it will become a natural thing for them, too. Plus, everything becomes so much easier in a positive environment. Avoid complaining about your problems in front of your kids. Instead, reinforce optimism as much as possible in their presence.
6. But Don’t Forget To Be Realistic
Being optimistic is good, but faking it is not. Exposing your children to too many negative emotions and feelings is just as bad as avoiding them entirely. Kids who are not taught to see and embrace negative emotions will be less equipped to process feelings like sadness, anger, and disappointment in the future. And, we all know those feelings are inevitable parts of growing up.
7. Don’t Give Your Kids Too Many Toys
Having fewer toys does not mean you are a penny-pincher. Fewer toys will help your kids develop their imagination and explore on their own a lot. They will have the opportunity to create new games and make almost anything a plaything. So, those loud ‘educational’ toys actually have the opposite effect.
8. Leave Your Kids On Their Own
Watching over your kids all the time is not a good thing. Overly anxious parents who worry about the abilities of their children have got a new title – helicopter parents. Believe it or not, kids adapt to their surroundings faster than you can imagine and this will get better only if you are not hovering around them all the time. Let your kids face some obstacles on their own. They will develop better instincts, social skills, and the presence of mind when they are left on their own.
9. Give Your Kids Responsibilities
Children who are given chores regularly have improved mental, social and emotional cognition. In addition, by doing so you will reinforce the importance of forming and keeping social relationships and keeping it all balanced. It is very important that their chores also address the “empathy” factor. This means including family chores, such as taking the trash out or vacuuming the house, and not limiting your kids to cleaning their rooms only.
10. Teach Your Kids Gratitude
Children that are raised to have an attitude of gratitude will show more resilience and a reduced tendency to be depressed. Just like everything else, a grateful attitude is developed with practice. Simple rituals like saying what they are grateful for every night before going to bed or two things they liked about their day is a great way to start developing this important life-skill early.