Why Woman Seem To be More Attracted To Jerks


When I was in my early teens I got some lady advice from my older brother who explained that if I wanted girls to be more attracted to me I would have to act like a jerk to them. I didn’t really understand what he meant at that age but as I got older I found out he was completely right. All through high school I put his theory to the test and I found that if I acted like more of an A-hole, girls were more attracted to me then if I was a nice guy.


Why a Woman Seems to be More Attracted To a Jerk


It turns out there is some science that backs up this theory. So if your one of the nice guys that feel like jerks get the girl more often than not, you’re absolutely right. Research performed in Austria states that most woman are more attracted to guys with narcissistic personalities. The Researchers ran a series of test, one of which was sending woman on speed dates with guys with different personality traits. The outcome of the experiment proved that woman were inclined to date the guys with narcissistic traits such as being vain and being the center of attention more than individuals who did not possess these traits.

Studies also show that a woman’s hormones could have an impact on their relationship decisions and may be why they seem to be more attracted to jerks. It seems that woman may sometimes interpret a guy’s characteristics such as deep voice, cocky attitude and attractiveness as someone with good genes. And since there is also evidence  which supports how attractive individuals may be more likely to be jerks woman may not be attracted to guys being jerks per say but to their confidence and outgoingness that usually comes along with it.

Since these studies were performed on men and woman in there mid 20’s  it’s also a possibility that their relationship decisions could be attributed to the fact that these individuals are still young enough that they would prefer a good-looking guy who may break their heart rather than an average looking person who will be reliable in long term relationship.

But if you’re genuinely a nice guy and don’t have it in you to be a jerk, don’t worry. German studies have also proven that men with narcissistic personality traits may be able to get woman into bed, but in the long run they begin to come off as self-centered or entitled, there for not making them good candidates for long-term relationships. So try your best not to focus on being a jerk, but instead try to be more outgoing and confident because those are more likely the traits that a woman will be looking for.

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