Will Smith Attacks Trump Publicly

Donald Trump and Will Smith

Will Smith Vs. Donald Trump

Everybody loves Will Smith. When you hear the name, you probably think of all the great movies he was in. And, a movie that was recently released gave Smith the opportunity to express his thoughts on the current political situation in the United States. Of course, we are talking about the “Suicide Squad.” Smith, who plays Deadshot, emphasized the importance of sharing what it’s actually like in the Middle East amidst the hate-filled rhetoric that’s emerged throughout the 2016 election cycle.

On Sunday, August 7, 2016, Will Smith showed up at a press conference for “Suicide Squad” in Dubai. The actor took the time to discuss the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and the expanding anti-Muslim climate in the United States.

Smith stated that America’s Islamophobia is exactly what motivated him to attend the event in the first place. He also reminded everyone of his personal campaign on Twitter that was supposed to fight the anti-Muslim climate in the United States. The campaign mostly consisted out of Tweets and pictures that promoted peace.

“The Middle East can’t allow Fox News to be the arbiter of the imagery, you know,” the actor said. “So cinema is a huge way to be able to deliver the truth of the soul of a place to a global audience.”



Then, Smith continued to express his disappointment in Donald Trump and all of his followers.

“As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good,” Will Smith said. “We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.”


Just to be clear, in the statement above, Smith is clearly talking about those members of the community who are constantly spreading hate. Unfortunately, there are so many people who accept that hate and are willing to spread it even further. Many of those are Trump’s faithful followers.

This was the first time Will Smith shared his opinion on the upcoming elections publicly. Not so long ago, he also “attacked” Trump for his hateful treatment of women in a recent interview with websitenews.com.au “For a man to be able to publicly refer to a woman as a fat pig, that makes me teary.” Smith stated that he doesn’t believe that someone who calls women “fat pigs” is a suitable candidate for running the country.

Many who shared this news supported Smith’s actions. For example, the editor of Huffington Post added this note about Trump in a recent article.


Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.

Many Other Celebrities Are Against Trump

Will Smith is definitely not the only one who is strongly opinionated when it comes to Trump. His fellow colleague Jennifer Lawrence stated in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that she believes the world will end if Trump becomes president.

Others who are against Trump and have publicly shared their opinion are Ricky Martin, America Ferrera, R.E.M., Tyrese Gibson, Lena Dunham, Stephen King, Stephen Hawking, and many others.


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